Проект Устава Конституционно-Демократической Партии
Вт Июл 28 2015, 02:54 автор Molodetz
Конституционно-демократической партии еРоссии (Constitutional Democrats)
Авторы: nimnul, Molodetz
1. Преамбула
2. Основные цели Партии
3. Права Партии
4. Членство в Партии
1. Преамбула
2. Основные цели Партии
3. Права Партии
4. Членство в Партии
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Комментарии: 11
Русско-норвежский договор 2008 года
Конституционно-Демократическая Партия России ● Constitutional Democrats Party :: Библиотека ● Library :: Политика ● Politics :: 2008
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Русско-норвежский договор 2008 года
Это то, что сохранилось. Договор был подписан норвежским правительством и иностранными коммунистами, контролировавшими власть в России до первого русского бэби-буба в ноябре-декабре 2008 года.
1. Russia will be recognized as an independent and free society in which the rules of democracy will be allowed to take its place.
2. We declare that we are a separate power, not a province nor a region of the Norwegian Empire. We are a separate nation which is built off the revolutionary workers and soldiers of Russia; in which Russian political, social, economic, and foreign policies are to develop and progress without unwanted hindrance from foreign control.
3. Russia is to maintain full economic independence. Our markets are to remain un-invaded by our Norwegian neighbours and that by mutual understanding and curtsey we ask for no trade between our sovereign states (unless otherwise specified).
4. Russia has legal right to re-take all previous Russian regions OTHER THAN the 3 Norwegian regions. These regions are Kaliningrad, Eastern Siberia, and Urals Region.
Part Two: Specific Terms and Treaties
5. The Norwegian Government is to pay the Russian People a sum of 300 GOLD for the immediate emancipation of the West Siberian Region and Volga-Vyatka Region.
6. In exchange, Norway is to retain indefinite control of Kaliningrad, Eastern Siberia, and the Urals region.
7. Removed
8. Russia is to join ATLANTIS and sign Mutual Protection Pacts with Norway (and whichever nation it may concern) in exchange for protection against foreign aggression in the form of either war or internal political takeovers. This pact is subject to termination or continuation two months after independence.
Alicanto- Основатель партии • CDP Founder
- Сообщения : 374
Дата регистрации : 2009-08-26
Конституционно-Демократическая Партия России ● Constitutional Democrats Party :: Библиотека ● Library :: Политика ● Politics :: 2008
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